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If the following strings are met in a command they are translated:
^nnn constant binary (hex) byte (nnn = octal no, n = 0-7) e.g. ^33
^pn binary (hex) byte e.g. ^p0
^dn word/byte, ASCII e.g. ^d1 = ^p1 as "DDD"
^wn word, ASCII e.g. ^w0 = ^p0 * 256 + ^p1 as "DDDDD"
^an add ^pn to byte following and store in ^p7.
Retrieve by ^p7 or ^d7. E.g. ^a4^12 (^p7 := ^p7 + ^p4 + 10)
^sn as ^an, but subtraction. E.g. ^s4^15 (^p7 := ^p7 - ^p4 - 13)
(16 bit signed arithmetic used internally)
^f0 change format for ^dn and ^wn e.g. ^f0^244 is a 4 digit hex
string "DDDD", because ^244 octal = 16*10 + 4
^f1 or ^f2 (see commands 342 and 343)
See description of individual commands for contents of parameters.
If a standard Amiga printer command has numeric parameters, they
will go into ^p0, ^p1 etc. See also the file PDG.doc.
Use right-Amiga-X and right-Amiga-Q for gadget field editing.
Remember to hit RETURN after changing a field.
PrtDrvGen 2.3a ⌐ 25-Jun-1987 J°rgen Thomsen
Compuserve: 71310,2206 Plink/GEnie: J.THOMSEN
This is shareware, not a public domain program.
Fee of $10 (DKr 75) requested from each user. Add $5
(DKr 25) for driver source (TDI Modula-2) & utilities.
10623 E. 66th S. #366 | Johnstrups AllΘ 4, 2.tv.
Tulsa, OK 74133 | DK-1923 Frederiksberg C
U.S.A. | DENMARK, Europe
until 30-Sep-1987 | Postgiro 5 30 71 63 or cash
Use ASCII text file as input
The file <driver name>.dat in the current directory will be
used as input for this program. After it has been read, you
may change the <driver name>. When exiting the program the
changed parameters will be stored in the file <driver name>.dat
and the previous <driver name>.dat will be renamed to
<driver name>.bak. Never embed SPACEs in the driver name.
E.g. <driver name> = EPSON, file names: EPSON.dat, EPSON.bak.
Decode existing driver
The current directory is searched for a file <driver name>. If
not found the file DEVS:printers/<driver name> will be decoded
and many of the parameters for this program will be found. You
must add the remaining, especially those for the graphics. The
parameters will be stored in the <driver name>.dat file.
For subsequent runs of this program this option will be faster
than option A above.
0899 0655 0EE0 0A30
The version number should be 33 for AmigaDOS 1.2. It will be forced to that
value, if you want the extended character set of characters from 160 to 255.
About this program:
The technical reference manual of your printer is a must to make a driver.
There are 349 parameters and command strings to fill in, but don't despair.
If you are decoding an existing driver many of them will already be OK. You
generally don't need to fill in parameters, you don't know how to use (yet),
but apply a little common sense. Don't specify the printer class to be a
graphics printer if you don't fill in the graphics command strings etc.
You may stop the program and resume it later by selecting the "Save parame-
ters only" item from the "Done" menu. When resuming, you select option A in
the initial window. (The parameter headers will be written to the .dat file)
This is for your very own use
Printer Class
0: alphanumeric (text) printer only
1: prints text and graphics
2: prints text and colors
3: prints text and graphics and colors
Color Class
Specifies which basic colors your printer uses for printing different colors
Subtractive colors
1: Black and White only
2: Yellow/Magenta (shade of red)/Cyan (shade of blue)
3: black "ribbon" for Black/White prints,
Yellow/Magenta/Cyan for color prints
4: Black/Yellow/Magenta/Cyan available at the same time
Additive colors
9: as 1
10: Blue/Green/Red
11: as 3, but colors White/Black and Blue/Green/Red
12: White/Blue/Green/Red
Invert black & white prints
Some printers (e.g. Quadjet) uses the subtractive colors for black and
white and the additive ones for color
0: don't do anything
1: turn black into white and white into black
No of Pica size chars on Narrow Tractor
This value normally is 80. It is important to specify this correctly,
because the scaling of prints uses this as a baseline for computing
the size
No of character sets
This should be the number of different character sets your printer supports.
No of seconds before timeout
Generally 30
The Amiga will wait for this number of seconds before it decides, that
there must be something wrong with the printer and puts up a requester.
Pica size (SHORP0, 0.01 Chars Per Inch)
This size is generally 1000 (10 characters per inch)
Elite size (SHORP2, 0.01 Chars Per Inch)
This size is generally 1200 (12 characters per inch)
Fine size (SHORP4, 0.01 Chars Per Inch)
This size varies. Preferences shows 1500 (15 characters per inch),
but some printers support 1670 (16.7 CPI) or even 2000 (20 CPI). It
depends upon which control codes you specify in the SHORP4 parameter below.
US Letter, Width (0.01 inch)
Generally 800 (8 inches)
This and the following parameters specifies the area of the paper,
that your printer is able to print on, not the actual dimensions,
which may be slightly larger e.g. 8.5 inches for US Letter / Legal.
You may specify whatever dimensions you want. The names specified
here corresponds to the fields of Preferences.
US Letter, Length (0.01 inch)
Generally 1100 (11 inches)
US Letter, Lines to skip at perforation at 6 LPI
Often 6
At 8 lines per inch this number will be scaled by 8/6.
This value is only used, when Preferences specifies Fanfold. It is
0 in case of Single Sheet.
US Letter, RIN (2nd string, after delay and standard setup)
When the printer is initialized by the RIN command (see below) the driver
will set margins, print pitch, proportional spacing etc. This field enables
you to specify commands to the printer which changes the standard ones e.g.
disabling the proportional spacing in Letter mode because it makes it
difficult to make columns etc.
The following values are available for inclusion in the command string:
^p0 (or ^d0) Lines per inch
^p1 (or ^d1) Lines per page from Preferences
^p2 (or ^d2) Lines per page computed from paper length specified above
^p3 (or ^d3) Lines to skip at perforation as specified for the form
^p4 (or ^d4) Left margin from Preferences
^p5 (or ^d5) Right margin from Preferences
^p6 (or ^d6) ^p4 - 1
^p7 (or ^d7) ^p5 + 1
US Legal, Width (0.01 inch)
US Legal, Length (0.01 inch)
Generally 1400 (14 inches)
US Legal, Lines to skip at perforation at 6 LPI
US Legal, RIN (2nd string, after delay)
Narrow Tractor, Width (0.01 inch)
Narrow Tractor, Length (0.01 inch)
Generally 0: infinite
Narrow Tractor, Lines to skip at perforation at 6 LPI
Narrow Tractor, RIN (2nd string, after delay)
Wide Tractor, Width (0.01 inch)
Often 1320 (13.2 inches)
Wide Tractor, Length (0.01 inch)
Wide Tractor, Lines to skip at perforation at 6 LPI
Wide Tractor, RIN (2nd string, after delay)
Custom Paper, Width (0.01 inch)
Whatever you want, but chose a value greater than 10
Custom Paper, Length (0.01 inch)
Custom Paper, Lines to skip at perforation at 6 LPI
Custom Paper, RIN (2nd string, after delay, see below)
This paper size is special and no automatic setups are performed as for the
paper sizes defined above. The general RIN parameter below is not used, but
you may specify a special one later on (parameter 119).
When the command RIN is received the following will happen:
send the special RIN command string to the printer,
wait for 3 seconds for the printer to settle,
send this command string to the printer.
Partial Line Up/Down length (0.01 printer units at 6 LPI)
Specify here how much the paper should move when using the PLU and PLD
commands below. This value will only be used, if you use it in the string
you specify for the PLU and PLD commands. This value will be scaled by 6/8
for use at 8 LPI
Foreground/background color no. 0 (30/40)
Specify here, which color value your printer must use in connection with
the SFC and SBC commands (e.g. Amiga codes ESC [30m or ESC [40m, here
specified as ^[[30m and ^[[40m).
These colors are only used for text mode, not for the graphics mode,
and you must specify them to be used in the SBC and SFC command strings
Foreground/background color no. 1 (31/41)
Foreground/background color no. 2 (32/42)
Foreground/background color no. 3 (33/43)
Foreground/background color no. 4 (34/44)
Foreground/background color no. 5 (35/45)
Foreground/background color no. 6 (36/46)
Foreground/background color no. 7 (37/47)
Foreground/background color no. 8 (38/48)
Foreground/background color no. 9 (39/49)
RIS ^[c reset
This command is used for a total reset of the printer to its default values
and it is rarely used.
RIN ^[#1 initialize
This command will be executed by AmigaDOS just after the driver has been
loaded into memory or when Preferences is changed. Specify the reset command
of your printer. After this command a delay of 3 seconds is incurred for
the printer to settle followed by the following commands below based on
VERPx 6/8 lines per inch
SHORPx pitch selection
DENx Near Letter Quality or Draft
PROPx proportional spacing (Letter) or not (Draft)
SLRM set left and right margin
SLPP set form length (lines/page)
PERFx set lines to skip at perforation (0, if single sheet)
RIN (2nd string) from the paper size definitions above
IND ^[D line feed
Generally ^12
A (not always correct) line counter is maintained
^p0: line counter before command
^p1: line counter after command
DeluxePaint II terminates a print with a number of these. If you don't
want these line feeds, you may leave this parameter blank.
NEL ^[E return line feed
Generally ^15^12
This is used at the end of every line printed.
A (not always correct) line counter is maintained
^p0: line counter before command
^p1: line counter after command
RI ^[M reverse line feed
Move the paper one line backwards.
Suggested sequences:
1) the reverse line feed character (sequence) of your printer
2) set printer into reverse line feed mode control code
set printer into normal line feed mode
A (not always correct) line counter is maintained
^p0: line counter before command
^p1: line counter after command
SGR0 ^[[0m normal character set
That is, no boldface, no italics, no underlining, no expanded mode,
normal foreground and background colors (if applicable)
SGR3 ^[[3m italics on
SGR23 ^[[23m italics off
SGR4 ^[[4m underline on
SGR24 ^[[24m underline off
SGR1 ^[[1m boldface on
SGR22 ^[[22m boldface off
SFC ^[[3nm n=0-9 set foreground color
Specify here the printer commands to change the color of the text printed.
3n = 30, 31, 32, 33 - 39.
In your command string you may use
^p0 (or ^d0) = 3n
^p1 (or ^d1) = n
^p2 (or ^d2) = value from colors specified in parameters above
e.g. ^[r^p2
SBC ^[[4nm n=0-9 set background color
Similar to SFC
SHORP0 ^[[0w normal pitch
Here you would specify commands to set your printer into Pica (generally
10 chars per inch). Here you may also include control codes to disable
condensed and enlarged print.
SHORP2 ^[[2w elite on
Here you would specify commands to set your printer into Elite (generally
12 chars per inch).
SHORP1 ^[[1w elite off
These commands should tell your printer to turn off Elite pitch mode.
SHORP4 ^[[4w condensed fine on
SHORP3 ^[[3w condensed fine off
These commands should tell your printer to turn off Condensed Fine pitch.
If no such command is available, then tell it to select the normal pitch
as in SHORP0.
SHORP6 ^[[6w enlarged on
Control codes for selecting enlarged characters. Quite often the characters
will be enlarged 2 or 3 times horizontally, the height remaining the same.
SHORP5 ^[[5w enlarged off
DEN6 ^[[6"z shadow print on
Control codes for printing the characters twice, but slightly moved to the
right to create the illusion of a shadow. Often the same as boldface.
DEN5 ^[[5"z shadow print off
DEN4 ^[[4"z doublestrike on
If you want a very black character, you may instruct the printer to print
each character twice.
DEN3 ^[[3"z doublestrike off
DEN2 ^[[2"z near letter quality on
If you always want proportionally spaced characters in Near Letter Quality
mode, you may add the proper control codes to the codes selecting Near
Letter Quality, that you specify here.
DEN1 ^[[1"z near letter quality off
SUS2 ^[[2v superscript on
Superscript is used mainly in math formulas e.g. x▓.
SUS1 ^[[1v superscript off
SUS4 ^[[4v subscript on
Subscript is used mainly in math formulas e.g. x .
SUS3 ^[[3v subscript off
SUS0 ^[[0v normalize the line
Used for turning superscript or subscript off and return to the normal
position of the line.
PLU ^[L partial line up
^p0: ^p1 * 6 / 8
^p1: partial line up/down length from parameter 32
Difference between superscript and partial line up:
Superscript Partial Line Up
------------- ----------
Specify here the command to move the paper backwards or printhead up. If
your printer is inable to do this, leave this blank and the command will
be implemented as superscript.
PLD ^[K partial line down
Similar to Partial Line Up
FNT0 ^[(B US character set
Command to change the character set of the printer to the standard US
character set.
Doesn't work with AmigaDOS 1.2 (!!!), but the following character set
commands should work. You might instead decide to use one of the EXTEND
commands later on.
FNT1 ^[(R French character set
FNT2 ^[(K German character set
FNT3 ^[(A UK character set
FNT4 ^[(E Danish I character set
FNT5 ^[(H Swedish character set
FNT6 ^[(Y Italian character set
FNT7 ^[(Z Spanish character set
FNT8 ^[(J Japanese character set
FNT9 ^[(6 Norwegian character set
FNT10 ^[(C Danish II character set
PROP2 ^[[2p proportional spacing on
Command to put the printer into proportional spacing mode e.g. each
character occupies only the needed space on the paper just as in books
and newspapers. It makes a printed text look better, but makes it difficult
to make columns.
When Letter quality is selected in Preferences proportional spacing is
selected, too.
PROP1 ^[[1p proportional spacing off
You may insert this printer command string in the "RIN (2nd string)"
parameters of the paper definition, if you don't want proportional spacing
in Letter mode.
PROP0 ^[[0p proportional spacing clear
The purpose of this command is possibly the inverse of the TSS command
following e.g. reinstate the default proportional spacing offset
TSS ^[[n E set proportional spacing offset
Minimum space between characters.
You may find, that with proportional spacing the printer will print the
characters too close to or too far away from each other. This command
enables you to alter the standard minimum spacing between characters
applied by the printer.
JFY5 ^[[5 F auto left justify
The printer should make the lines flush with the left margin
JFY7 ^[[7 F auto right justify
The printer should make the lines flush with the right margin
JFY6 ^[[6 F auto full justify
The printer should make the lines flush with both left and right margin
JFY0 ^[[0 F auto justify off
Disable the auto justification. This will normally mean, that the printer
will print the following lines flush with the left margin
JFY3 ^[[3 F letter space, justify
I am uncertain as to what this command shall accomplish. Some printers may
support it
JFY1 ^[[1 F word fill, auto center
This command should make the printer center each line on the paper within
the current margins
VERP0 ^[[0z 1/8" line spacing
After this command the printer should print 8 lines per inch
VERP1 ^[[1z 1/6" line spacing
After this command the printer should print 6 lines per inch
SLPP ^[[nt set form length to n lines
^p0: the number of lines or current form length (if n = 0)
^p1: current no of lines to skip at perforation
^p2: ^p0 - ^p1
^p3: ^p0 * 6 / 8 (for 1/6 inch specification )
PERF ^[[nq perforation skip n (n > 0)
^p0: no of lines to skip around the perforation on fanfold paper
PERF0 ^[[0q perforation skip off
LMS ^[#9 left margin set
RMS ^[#0 right margin set
TMS ^[#8 top margin set
^p0: no of lines to skip at perforation
^p1: no of lines per page
^p2: ^p1 - ^p0
^p3: line counter (may not be correct)
BMS ^[#2 bottom margin set
STBM ^[[Pn1;Pn2r set top & bottom margins
SLRM ^[[Pn1;Pn2s set left & right margins
Some printers may need to have the printhead positioned at the current
left margin in order to execute this command. You must then include a
carriage return (^15) as the first character in the command string.
^p0 (or ^d0) the Pn1 parameter (leftmost position to be used for printing)
^p1 (or ^d1) the Pn2 parameter (rightmost position to be used for printing)
^p2 (or ^d2) ^p0 - 1 (some printers may need this value)
^p3 (or ^d3) ^p1 + 1 ( ------------ )
CAM ^[#3 clear margins
^p0: 1
^p1: <paper width> * <no of characters per inch>
^p2: 0
^p3: ^p1 + 1
Internal value of current left and right margins set to ^p0 and ^p1
HTS ^[H set horizontal tab
VTS ^[J set vertical tab
TBC0 ^[[0g clear horizontal tab
TBC3 ^[[3g clear all horizontal tabs
^p0: Current right margin - current left margin + 1 (no. of chars)
^p1: Current no. of lines on one page
TBC1 ^[[1g clear vertical tab
TBC4 ^[[4g clear all vertical tabs
TBCALL ^[#4 clear all horizontal & vertical tabs
TBSALL ^[#5 set default tabs
^p0: Current right margin - current left margin + 1 (no. of chars)
^p1: Current no. of lines on one page
These tab positions should be
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 etc.
EXTEND ^[[Pn"x extended commands
This string will prefix all the command strings found below in parameters
120 - 129. Leave it blank, if no general prefix is wanted.
The driver will behave in a special way when the following EXTEND commands
are written to the printer
ESC [[255"x ESC [[27"x ESC [[50"x ........... ESC [[255"x
The character values 27 (ESC), 50 (P) etc. are sent to the printer as is
and not interpreted in any way. The 255's encloses the EXTEND commands
with the values to be sent
ESC [254"x
Send the binary byte with value 255 to the printer. If within a sequence
enclosed by 255's as above the value 254 will be sent
ESC [253"x
Enter the driver into debug mode (same as parameter 344, value 1).
If the driver already is in debug mode, it will exit from this mode.
RIN (custom paper, 1st string)
This is the command string sent to the printer instead of the normal RIN
string, when Custom paper size is selected in Preferences (see parameter
Contents of ^p parameters as for the normal RIN command
1. available for EXTEND ^[[1"x
You may specify a command string to send to the printer for a special
feature not covered by the standard Amiga commands e.g. start printing
in triple expanded mode
2. available for EXTEND ^[[2"x
3. available for EXTEND ^[[3"x
4. available for EXTEND ^[[4"x
5. available for EXTEND ^[[5"x
6. available for EXTEND ^[[6"x
7. available for EXTEND ^[[7"x
8. available for EXTEND ^[[8"x
9. available for EXTEND ^[[9"x
10. available for EXTEND ^[[10"x
Define extended ASCII characters
0: no, I want to use the default values
1: yes, I want to define the characters from 160 - 255 myself, because
my printer is able to print these characters when I tell it how to
in the following commands
The only "^" parameters, you may use for these character definitions are
the "^nnn" and "^^" (^^ to give a single ^). If you need to write a
sequence e.g."^1" followed by "2", then do not write "^12", but "^0012".
If you define a character substitution, which occupies more than one
character position, you may confuse your word processor.
ASCII character 160: "Nonbreak sequence/space"
This is a space character to be used in word processing when you don't
want a line break between two words
Character value 161: í
Character value 162: ó
Character value 163: ú
Character value 164: ñ
Character value 165: Ñ
Character value 166: ª
Character value 167: º
Character value 168: ¿
Character value 169: ⌐
Copyright, "c^10O" or "(c)" when this character is not available
Character value 170: ¬
Character value 171: ½
Character value 172: ¼
Character value 173: ¡
Character value 174: «
Character value 175: »
Character value 176: ░
Character value 177: ▒
Character value 178: ▓
Character value 179: │
Character value 180: ┤
Character value 181: ╡
Character value 182: ╢
Character value 183: ╖
Character value 184: ╕
Character value 185: ╣
Character value 186: ║
Character value 187: ╗
Character value 188: ╝
Character value 189: ╜
Character value 190: ╛
Character value 191: ┐
Character value 192: └
Character value 193: ┴
Character value 194: ┬
Character value 195: ├
Character value 196: ─
Character value 197: ┼
Danish vowel, written as "AA", if this character is not available
Character value 198: ╞
Danish vowel, written as "AE", if this character is not available
Character value 199: ╟
Character value 200: ╚
Character value 201: ╔
Character value 202: ╩
Character value 203: ╦
Character value 204: ╠
Character value 205: ═
Character value 206: ╬
Character value 207: ╧
Character value 208: ╨
Character value 209: ╤
Character value 210: ╥
Character value 211: ╙
Character value 212: ╘
Character value 213: ╒
Character value 214: ╓
German and Swedish character, "OE" if not available
Character value 215: ╫
Character value 216: ╪
Danish vowel, written as "O^10/", if this character is not available
Character value 217: ┘
Character value 218: ┌
Character value 219: █
Character value 220: ▄
German y, "ue" when this character is not available
Character value 221: ▌
Character value 222: ▐
Character value 223: ▀
German character, "ss" when this character is not available
Character value 224: α
Character value 225: ß
Character value 226: Γ
Character value 227: π
Character value 228: Σ
German and Swedish character, written as "ae" if not available
Character value 229: σ
Danish vowel, "aa" when this character is not available
Character value 230: µ
Danish vowel, "ae", when this character is not available
Character value 231: τ
Character value 232: Φ
Character value 233: Θ
Character value 234: Ω
Character value 235: δ
Character value 236: ∞
Character value 237: φ
Character value 238: ε
Character value 239: ∩
Character value 240: ≡
Character value 241: ±
Character value 242: ≥
Character value 243: ≤
Character value 244: ⌠
Character value 245: ⌡
Character value 246: ÷
German and Swedish character, "oe" when not available
Character value 247: ≈
Character value 248: °
Danish vowel, "o^10/" when this character is not available
Character value 249: ∙
Character value 250: ·
Character value 251: √
Character value 252: ⁿ
Character value 253: ²
Character value 254: ■
Character value 255:
One char graphics on/off printer
0: the printer must have an escape sequence of characters in order to switch
into graphics mode
1: the printer switches into/out of graphics mode by receiving a single
e.g. 03 hex for many printers e.g. Citizen.
Fill in the following parameter in this case
Character to switch on/off graphics
Only relevant if parameter 227 is 1.
e.g ^03 for many printers
(Reserved for extensions)
Density 1 (Draft/6), No of raster rows (pins) on each pass of print head
Typical values:
1 many laser/inkjet printers (Laser: See "Dot or vector graphics")
7 some 8 pin dot matrix printers
8 most 8 pin dot matrix printers (or 24 pin printers in 8 pin mode)
9 some 9 pin dot matrix printers
24 most 24 pin dot matrix printers
This parameter specifies, how many fine, horizontal lines may be printed
simultaneously by one pass of the print head. It relates to the "Bits used
in each byte" parameter below.
In order to specify this and all the following parameters correctly, you
must read the Technical Reference Manual of your printer !
Density 1, Total no of passes to get higher vertical density
Value between 1 and 8.
Related to the "Multipass lines termination" command string below if > 1.
Some printers (e.g. Epson) has a paper moving command, which allows the
printer to move the paper just a fraction of an inch. This can be used to
make a double (or more) print density in the following way (8 pin printer
assumed) e.g. for value 2:
Send graphics data, move paper ╜ dot, send graphics data,
move paper 7╜ dot
Note, that memory requirements really increases with this parameter.
This feature may also be used for other very special printers (e.g. some
Tektronix and Diablo C-150).
Density 1, Max dots in X (width) direction
This parameter is computed as the width of the Narrow Tractor (parm. 20)
times the Dots per inch parameter in X direction below divided by 100.
The driver will compute the actual value based on this value and margins.
E.g. 800 * 120 / 100 = 960
Density 1, Max dots in Y (vertical) direction (0=infinite)
Most often 0, infinite, but certain printers/plotters may have restrictions
Density 1, Dots pr inch in X (width) direction
This parameter must be specified in close connection with the "prefix"
command strings below, because in those strings you probably will specify
to the printer, which density it must use
Density 1, Dots pr inch in Y (vertical) direction
This parameter specifies the number of dots per inch your printer is capable
of printing in the vertical direction. If the "No of passes to get higher
vertical density" parameter above is greater than 1, this parameter probably
must be the normal value for your printer times that parameter.
Density 1, Storage of dots in buffer row/col
0: row by row (some inkjet and laser printers)
1: column by column (most dot matrix printers)
If your printer apparently prints a picture, but it is not recognizable,
then try changing this parameter to the opposite value
Density 1, Fill buffer bytes from right/left, left/right
0: from right (least significant bit) to left (most significant bit)
1: in the opposite direction
If your circles printed out look like
__ __
\ / / \
\ / and not as / \
/ \ \ /
/__ \ \__/
then use the opposite value of this parameter.
Density 1, No of bits used in each byte
Generally 8.
Relates to the next parameter.
Some printers (e.g. Toshiba) use less than 8 bits in each byte sent as
graphics data. Specify here the number of bits used.
E.g. 9 pin printers should also specify the value 8, because the first of
the two bytes for the 9 pins is totally filled.
Density 1, Lower or upper bits and zero or one fill (0,2/1,3)
Generally 0.
0: use rightmost (least significant bits) and fill unused with zero bits
1: use leftmost (most significant bits) and fill unused with zero bits
2: use rightmost (least significant bits) and fill unused with one bits
3: use leftmost (most significant bits) and fill unused with one bits
This parameter is only relevant, if parameter 238 is less than 8. You must
specify where the unused bits are positioned in each byte and how they
should be initialized.
Density 1, Discard all data for one color, if not used
0: don't discard
1: discard
In stead of sending a lot of data to the printer which specifies that
no dots of a specified color should be printed, the driver may just as
well discard these data. However, some printers (e.g. Quadjet) need these
data, so the initial value to use should be 0. After you have managed to
print nice pictures on your printer, you may change this parameter to 1 and
test, if the pictures still are printed OK. You may experience that the
the printing of pictures becomes slightly faster.
Density 1, Horisontally adjacent dots not possible
The current driver (PrtDrv.lod rev. 22) does not use this parameter.
0: possible
1: not possible
Density 1, Pixel height divisor ( * 100)
Value: most often 100 or 120 or value in the range 100 - 120
100: will give you a monitor image with oval circles
120: will give you a picture with true circular circles and square squares
from DPaint and Aegis Draw pictures
If the picture as most often is the case fills your entire monitor screen,
the height of each pixel is 1.2 * its width in 320 * 200 low resolution
mode. Some drawing programs believe, that the height and width are equal.
Use this parameter to adjust the ratio.
Density 1, Print black [white] as no.
Most often 4
Colors should for ribbon printers be printed in the sequence lighter colors
first in order to preserve the ribbon. This sequence number also specifies
the sequence in which the color data are sent to the printer, which for
some printers is important (e.g. Quadjet).
In case you are using a black and white only printer, the sequence will be
forced. You don't need to fill it in.
Remember, the sequence numbers for the four colors must be some combination
of 1,2,3,4 with no duplicate numbers.
Density 1, Print yellow [blue] as no.
Most often 1 (Red, Green, Blue printers: 3 )
Density 1, Print magenta (redish) [green] as no.
Most often 2
Density 1, Print cyan (blueish) [red] as no.
Most often 3 (Red, Green, Blue printers: 1 )
Density 1, Color black [white] prefix
^p2 = No of dot columns ^p3 = No of data bytes
^p0 = ^p2 / K ^p1 = ^p2 - ^p0 x K
^p4 = Pass no (0 - 7) for multipass ^p5 = ^p2 / bits per byte
^p6 = ^p3 / K ^p7 = ^p3 - ^p6 x K
(K = 128 or 256, dependent on the Special options field below)
The data sent to the printer for each color will be
This command string
data for the actual graphics
The contents of this command string could be something like (Epson codes):
^15 ^[r^0 ^[*^0^p1^p0
Carriage Return Print color Density and amount of graphics data
Density 1, Color yellow [blue] prefix
Density 1, Color magenta [green] prefix
Density 1, Color cyan [red] prefix
Density 1, Init graphics before delay of 3 seconds
This and the following command string are very similar in nature to the RIN
command string specified previously i.e. they must contain printer commands
which should be used while printing an entire picture.
E.g. set printer in unidirectional mode; specify proper spacing, so that
white streaks between each pass of the print head is avoided.
The command string is split into two with a delay of 3 seconds in between,
because some printers may need a full reset with time to settle.
Density 1, Init graphics after delay
See previous parameter
Density 1, Each single buffer termination
Most often Carriage Return, Line Feed ^15^12, but for printers which uses
a one character graphics on/off escape character this character should be
inserted as the first character e.g. ^3^15^12.
If the higher density by multipass lines option is used, this command string
would make the paper move up, not an entire Line Feed, but only the part of
line still remaining
Density 1, Finish graphics dump
Some people want a Form Feed (^14) here.
Density 1, Multipass lines termination
Related to the parameter above about getting higher density by several
passes. Only relevant if that parameter has a value larger than 1.
This command string is used to forward the paper e.g. 1/2 dot size.
Density 1, Dot or vector graphics mode
0: most printers, the bitmap of graphics generated by the Amiga is sent to
the printer
1: some laser printers/plotters e.g. Kyocera F-1010,
each scan line in the bitmap is analyzed and converted into vector
coordinates, which may be included in a command string or printed.
The color prefixes would then contain a vector drawing command e.g.
DRAW ^d0, ^d1, ^d2,^d3;
or MOVE ^d0, ^d1; DRAW ^d4, 0;
which would draw a line from (^d0,^d1) to (^d2, ^d3).
The X-values are ^d0, ^d2 (left margin = 0), the Y-values ^d1 (= ^d3,
top margin = 0) specified in dots. Length of line in ^d4.
Density 1, Special options
Generally all zero except for special printers. Add values if used.
1: use 7+7 bit format for lengths in graphics prefix (i.e. K = 128)
2: don't set pitch and left/right margins just before graphics dump
4: don't set line spacing to 6 or 8 lines per inch after graphics dump
8: (not used)
16: (not used)
Density 2 (Draft/8), No of raster rows (pins) on each pass of print head
Density 2, No of passes to get higher vertical density
Density 2, Max dots in X direction
Density 2, Max dots in Y direction (0=infinite)
Density 2, Dots pr inch in X direction
Density 2, Dots pr inch in Y direction
Density 2, Storage of dots in buffer row/col
Density 2, Fill buffer bytes from right/left, left/right
Density 2, No of bits used in each byte
Density 2, Upper or lower bits
Density 2, Discard all data for one color, if not used
Density 2, Horisontally adjacent dots not possible
Density 2, Pixel height divisor
Density 2, Print black [white] as no.
Density 2, Print yellow [blue] as no.
Density 2, Print magenta (redish) [green] as no.
Density 2, Print cyan (blueish) [red] as no.
Density 2, Color black [white] prefix
Density 2, Color yellow [blue] prefix
Density 2, Color magenta [green] prefix
Density 2, Color cyan [red] prefix
Density 2, Init graphics before delay
Density 2, Init graphics after delay
Density 2, Each single buffer terminated by
Density 2, Finish graphics dump
Density 2, Multipass lines terminated by
Density 2, Dot or vector graphics
Density 2, Special options
Density 3 (Letter/6), No of raster rows (pins) on each pass of print head
Density 3, No of passes to get higher vertical density
Density 3, Max dots in X direction
Density 3, Max dots in Y direction (0=infinite)
Density 3, Dots pr inch in X direction
Density 3, Dots pr inch in Y direction
Density 3, Storage of dots in buffer row/col
Density 3, Fill buffer bytes from right/left, left/right
Density 3, No of bits used in each byte
Density 3, Upper or lower bits
Density 3, Discard all data for one color, if not used
Density 3, Horisontally adjacent dots not possible
Density 3, Pixel height divisor
Density 3, Print black [white] as no.
Density 3, Print yellow [blue] as no.
Density 3, Print magenta (redish) [green] as no.
Density 3, Print cyan (blueish) [red] as no.
Density 3, Color black [white] prefix
Density 3, Color yellow [blue] prefix
Density 3, Color magenta [green] prefix
Density 3, Color cyan [red] prefix
Density 3, Init graphics before delay
Density 3, Init graphics after delay
Density 3, Each single buffer terminated by
Density 3, Finish graphics dump
Density 3, Multipass lines terminated by
Density 3, Dot or vector graphics
Density 3, Special options
Density 4 (Letter/8), No of raster rows (pins) on each pass of print head
Density 4, No of passes to get higher vertical density
Density 4, Max dots in X direction
Density 4, Max dots in Y direction (0=infinite)
Density 4, Dots pr inch in X direction
Density 4, Dots pr inch in Y direction
Density 4, Storage of dots in buffer row/col
Density 4, Fill buffer bytes from right/left, left/right
Density 4, No of bits used in each byte
Density 4, Upper or lower bits
Density 4, Discard all data for one color, if not used
Density 4, Horisontally adjacent dots not possible
Density 4, Pixel height divisor
Density 4, Print black [white] as no.
Density 4, Print yellow [blue] as no.
Density 4, Print magenta (redish) [green] as no.
Density 4, Print cyan (blueish) [red] as no.
Density 4, Color black [white] prefix
Density 4, Color yellow [blue] prefix
Density 4, Color magenta [green] prefix
Density 4, Color cyan [red] prefix
Density 4, Init graphics before delay
Density 4, Init graphics after delay
Density 4, Each single buffer terminated by
Density 4, Finish graphics dump
Density 4, Multipass lines terminated by
Density 4, Dot or vector graphics
Density 4, Special options
File name for extra data (^f1)
Allows a number of raw bytes to be sent to the printer (< appr. 16000).
Use it for e.g. defining special characters or special commands.
Any byte value may be contained in the data, which must be stored in a file
in the format XX XX XX XX XX ... with XX being the hexadecimal value of one
byte. Make the file by e.g. an editor and terminate it by one blank line.
The data file need not be present when using the driver. The PrtDrvGen
stores the data in the driver itself.
To send the data to the printer insert ^f1 as the first command in a command
string e.g. in parameters 15, 19, 23, 27.
When decoding a driver with data, the data will be stored in the current
directory in a file called <driver name>.hex1.
File name for extra data (^f2)
Similar to ^f1
System Parameter (Reserved for internal use)
0: the driver executes in normal mode
1: the driver executes in debug mode with the following hexadecimal dumps
D: ^p0,^p1 ..... ^p7,Amiga command code, (sequence as in Enhancer table)
R: color,x,y,code (4 bytes each) entry to graphics procedure Render
(excl. code=1: render single pixel)
B: RowSize (2), Bufsize (4), No Of Buffers (1)
memory used for each color row, an entire buffer and
01 or 02 dependent on the use of double buffering.
I: Printer Class (1), Color Class (1), Max Print Columns (1),
No of Character Sets (1), Number of Rows (2), Max X Dots (4),
Max Y Dots (4), X Dots/Inch (2), Y Dots/Inch (2)
If the graphics dump routine detects an error, it will be printed as
X: xx xx xx xx
(0. Reserved for future extensions)
(1. Reserved for future extensions)
(2. Reserved for future extensions)
(3. Reserved for future extensions)
(4. Reserved for future extensions)